About Us


Job Title Name Experience Education Business
President Ming-Jen Tzou Senior Vice President, NPC
President, PFG Fiber Glass Corp.
Chemical Engineering, Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of whole company
Executive Vice President Chung-Yueh Shih Senior Vice President, NPC B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University Assist president in Managing all operating and management businesses of whole company and promotion of sustainable development
Senior Vice President Fong-Chin Lin Vice President, NPC
Assistant Vice President, NPC
Master degree in Accounting, National Chengchi University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Plastics Segment
Senior Vice President Kuei-Yung Wang Vice President, NPC B.S. in Chemistry, University of London Manage all operating and management businesses of the Plastics 2nd Division
Senior Vice President Yu-Sheng Chen Vice President, NPC Chemical Engineering, Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the Petrochemicals Segment
Acting Senior Vice President Yeou-Ming Ko Vice President, NPC B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , National Chung Hsing University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Electronic Materials Segment
Acting Senior Vice President Chang-Ming Tsai Vice President, NPC B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Polyester Fiber Segment
Vice President Te-Chao Liao Assistant Vice President, NPC Ph.D in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Plastics 1st Division
Vice President Pau-Chang Liu Assistant Vice President, NPC B.A. in Accounting, Soochow University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Plastics 2nd Division
Vice President Chin-Yi Ting Assistant Vice President, NPC Chemical Engineering, Ming Chi Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the Plastics 3rd Division
Vice President Yu-Lung Huang Senior Administrator, Petrochemicals 1st Division, NPC
Unit Manager, Engineering & Construction Division, NPC
Mechanical, Provincial Kaohsiung Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the Petrochemicals 1st Division
Vice President Cheng-Jung Chen Assistant Vice President, NPC B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Petrochemicals 2nd Division
Vice President Sheng-Hung Hsueh Assistant Vice President, NPC M. S. in Chemical Engineering, Tsing hua University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Petrochemicals 3rd Division
Acting Vice President Chi-Hou Ting Assistant Vice President, NPC B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Tamkang University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Electronic Materials Division
Acting Vice President Kuo-Chao Chen Assistant Vice President, NPC Chemical Engineering, Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the EPOXY Resin Division
Acting Vice President Jyh-Win Chern Assistant Vice President, NPC Fiber, Ming Chi Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the Polyester Fiber Division
Vice President Wen-Cheng Yang Plant Manager, NPC B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Central University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Polyester Film Division
Vice President Yung-Fang Chang Assistant Vice President, NPC Electrical Engineering, Ming Chi Institute of Technology Manage all operating and management businesses of the Engineering & Construction Division
Financial Officer and Corporate Governance Officer Li-Ta Pai Assistant Vice President, NPC
Accounting Department Manager, NPC
Master Degree in Accounting, Soochow University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Financial Department and Corporate Governance
Accounting Officer Chih-Yun Su Accounting Department Manager, NPC
Accounting Assistant Department Manager, NPC
Department of Public Finance, National Chengchi University Manage all operating and management businesses of the Accounting Department

(NAN YA,Jun 03, 2024)