THPA由馬來酸酐和1,3-丁二烯經由Diels-Alder縮合反應而成,主要作為不飽和樹脂和醇酸樹脂的改質劑,可改善樹脂的空乾性、光澤性及密著性,提高製品品質。EINECS): y (positivelisting), 201-605-4, Canadian Domestic Subs. List (DSL): y (positive listing); China Inv. Existing Chemical Subs.: y (positive listing); Japanese List of Exist. and New Chem. Subs. (ENCS): y(positive listing), (3)-3435; Inventory of Toxic Subs. Control Act (TSCA): y (positive listing); European Inv. of Existing Chem. Subs. (EINECS): y (positivelisting), 201-605-4; Korean Existing Chem. Inventory (KECI): y (positive listing),KE-33465; Philippines Inventory of Chem. Subs. (PICCS): y (positivelisting);